Saturday, January 5, 2008

Wine Corner Review #13: Sterling Vineyards Napa County Sauvignon Blanc

My lovely wife the Rock Star and I are quite fortunate to share our rather modest loft with our lovely cat Sterling. Why the unusual name? Well, when she was young, she was a sterling silver tabby in appearance, and therefore we gave her that name. Later, as she grew and grew, we discovered our silvery kitty literally vanishing before our eyes and in her place stood a very lovely torby-colored cat. (Torby refers to a blend of tabby and calico; rest assured Sterling is quite beautiful.) Sadly, we lost our other cat, Hercules, recently to the ravages of age and time, but decided to celebrate instead the truly wonderful cat we are fortunate enough to still have in our presence. So, it is to honor Sterling that I present to you one of the prides of her namesake vintner, Sterling Vineyards Napa County Sauvignon Blanc.

The robe of the Sterling Sauvignon Blanc is straw-colored, touched with just a tinge of (yes) silver. The nose is rather subtle, but if you linger, you can detect citrus and melon. The distinct flavors of oranges and melon spread over the palate, with a pleasantly surprising finish: Trader Vic's Mai Tai. (Trader Vic's invented the mai tai, and their version is more bracing and less sweet than most). Of course, this blanc works well with chicken and very well with seafood, and perhaps best of all with such succulent sushi dishes as Spider Roll. All the details about the complete Sterling line can be found at Please raise a glass soon to all our lovely cats, past and present: Angel, Hercules, Sasquatch, and Sterling (and of course, your own pets as well!) Please do so soon, and remember:


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